Monday, May 20, 2013

Lucky Little Lolly: Behind the Scenes

Our product shots are always a great mix of work and play. Work for me. Play for you. And I wouldn't have it any other way. You get to run around like a wild woman with some of your dearest girlfriends and the older you get the more entertaining it is to watch.

Y'all drag out props and pretend you are princesses or karate heroes. And I am never at a loss for huggy photos and squinty smiles that let me know we are in a good place.

I doubt you have any idea that the photos I'm aiming for are of the bows (this  pretty pink cowgirl hair bow, girls boutique bow selection is available now) and not the pretty little girls dancing and posing before me.....
Exhibit A

You are my beauty (and this beauty of a cute chevron over the top hair bow is also now available). You know pretty is as pretty does....and you get that, well most of the time! 
And, I love you.

Thanks for the fun, girls!

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